Thursday, May 24, 2012

Why Opihi Love? It's Vintage with love...

Today I was asked two questions; Why Opihi Love and what inspired me to create this one of a kind (on Maui) company.  It's not the first time I've been asked, so I thought I would take a moment and write a quick blog.  

Why Opihi Love?

I have always adored the nature of an Opihi. The intense opihi-rock connection, the strength of the shell against the slamming ocean, the history of it’s journey to the Hawaiian Islands from Japan and so on. One of my first memories of Maui was watching my family pick Opihi off the sides of black lava rock, right on the oceans break point. Opihi Pickers. Translation; the Opihi depicts connections to family, strength, life’s journey and finding the perfect rock (or in my case my husband) to stick to!  Opihi to me, is vintage... it's old Hawaii, and it's a life source- something I wanted to represent in my company!   

My inspiration came from my brother and sister-in-laws wedding in Seaside, OR. Their wedding was just everything antique, vintage, and to top it off it was held in an old barn! All their tables were different, every chair unique, the flowers beyond anything I've seen, and the lightning- so simple but yet so elegant! I wanted to provide this uniqueness & love to our brides on Maui.  Being on an island we have limits of what we can provide, and offer our weddings.  I have made it my job to find those unique items for you- whether it's a vintage suit case,  a rustic wooden box or a Channel brooch- I will find it for you!  

To pay homage to my brother and sister, below are some amazing photo's of their wedding last August! 

Thank for reading! More vintage goodness to come!

Opihi Love

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